It's clear that Füller didn't plan that things should develop like this, but we can take this as a positive sign for the future. Chief-editor's won't be able to block disturbing stories that contradict their game plan -- there's much to suggest that Ines Pohl didn't want to risk the story at this moment in time, because it conflicted with her backing of the German Greens for September's general election. But, beyond this journalistic development, how convincing are Füller's arguments that the German Green Party's ideological roots grow out of a paedophile swamp? And how necessary would it be for this Green Party to set up a systematic programme of victim-support, the measure that Füller calls for?
Much of what Füller says is indisputable. There
were, in the 1970s and 80s Working Groups for Gays and Pederasts
in the Party in which ''any number of people of any age or sex
can love each other." These groups weren't, from the Green
perspective, fringe maniacs, but instead enjoyed a position in the
party hierarchy with a direct link to the politicians that sat in the
Federal Parliament. But even with these most basic facts we can
quickly lose ourselves in a forest of controversy. While the 1994 OED
unequivocally defines a pederast as "a man who has anal
intercourse with a boy", the word the German Greens used of
themselves in German, Päderasten, connotes with the much
wider, international, 'boy-love' movement, described with some
empathy in the letters pages of the LRB by Jemma
Mazower on 22.11.2012 , a position which was then sharply
criticised by a victim of sexual abuse, who wished to withhold his
name & address, in the same letters page on 06.12.2012.
Like all German Green sexual politics of the 1970s & 80s, the
word Päderasten in
itself causes a huge divide amongst the people who lived through this
In his mission, however, to expose The
Greens for what he is convinced they were, Füller seems to be
willing to manipulate the contemporary, ridiculously crude caricature
of German Greens & Leftists in the 1970s & 80s. We leap from
a paraphrased summary of what Greens who lived through the 1968
revolution say about themselves -- "Our big themes back then
were self-determined sexuality and criticising patriarchal society"
-- let's have more of that in 2013, I should say -- to Füller
insinuating that parents & nursery-school teachers who
participated in the alternative Kinderladen movement --
self-governing pre-school education -- collaborated in creating
conditions for institutional sexual abuse in these institutions. The
rhetorical steps Füller uses to make these insinuations are shaky at
the best. This is my English translation of Füller's argument at
this stage in the article, with my comments embedded in Füller's
Kinderladen movement
can be said to have been part of the brand-essence of the Student
Left, and the Greens who emerged out of that grouping. [Yes; and
there was a Left outside the students: Michael Buselmeier, in his
1981 novel, Der Untergang von Heidelberg, has
written about the experience of being an academic in his mid-30s, in
a conventional, heterosexual partnership, & his daughter going to
one of these Kinderladen.]
Sexual liberation -- including the liberation of child-sexuality --
was the most important tool in releasing society from oppression --
and it was this 'sexual liberation' that played right into the hands
of paedophiles & their accomplices. [Many people active at that
time in Germany would list many other tools as equally or 'more
important' than sexual liberation: squatting; or Marxist reading
groups for example.] The students got their theories about 'the
authoritarian character' from Horkheimer and Adorno and Wilhelm
Reich, in which the students were determined to find a causal link
between repressed sexuality and oppressive personality types [well
there is one, isn't there?], the type of personalities with which you
can run concentration-camps."
(See section in Füller's original text starting,
"Die Kinderladenbewegung gehört ..." )
So the students backing this
alternative pre-school education movement were so wierded out by
their hatred of their parent's Nazi Generation & their
theoretical readings, that they were quite prepared to pack their
kids off to institutions where they were aware child sex-abuse might
be going on, as long as that would further their higher aim of
bringing up their kids in such a sexually free way that they could
never turn Nazi?? This is codswallop, and I think Füller knows it
But a more detailed response to
Füller's article will have to wait to another day.
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